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Fire, Flour & Fork has always been a gathering for the food curious, and now in its seventh year, we’re producing events (live and now virtual) and telling stories that speak to our past, present and future.
The Fire, Flour & Fork folks have just thrown down the gauntlet for food and wine festivals — so much talent in this city last night and through the weekend, done in such a different manner.
— Travis Croxton, Co-owner of Rappahannock River Oysters
but, what is fire, flour & fork?
Fire, Flour & Fork is four days of putting Richmond on a plate...and in a glass. Most events pair our local chefs and producers with out of town experts for a potluck of events in and around downtown Richmond.
We went virtual in 2020 and held what we think was the region's first drive-through book signing with chef and author Vivian Howard. Last year’s events also supported No Lef Turns, Shalom Farms, The Holli Fund, Feed More and Resiliency Garden. In 2021, we will go live November 5-7th, with three events. Learn more here.
giving back to richmond
Richmond restaurants are famously generous and FFF upholds that tradition. Every ticketed Fire, Flour & Fork event benefits a local nonprofit, raising more than $12,000 each year. Previous years' beneficiaries included J. Sargeant Reynolds Culinary Scholarship Fund, Renew Richmond, Tricycle Urban Ag, Slow Food RVA, Shalom Farms, OutRVA, Preservation Virginia, Black History Museum & Cultural Center, VMFA Foundation, The Valentine, Center for Rural Culture, Lewis Ginter Community Kitchen and FeedMore. FFF also provides free tickets to organizations such as the Conrad Center and Tricycle Urban Ag to open the doors to those early in their culinary careers.
Fire, Flour, & Fork Leadership
Susan Winiecki
co-founder ▸
Susan is owner of Real Richmond Food Tours. She also founded the region’s annual restaurant awards, The Elbys, in 2012, and served on the founding committee of Broad Appétit, which draws more than 40,000 to Broad Street the first Sunday in June. She has chaired the judging process at Broad Appétit dishes since 2008. She was a March of Dimes board member and served as chair of its Gourmet Chefs Auction. Susan, who speaks throughout the community about Richmond’s dining scene, is a founding board member of the Podium Foundation, served as vice president of the Forest Hill Neighborhood Association and as immediate past chair of the board of Richmond Metropolitan Habitat for Humanity. She won Tricycle Garden's Golden Trowel Award in 2014 for food-related community service. Susan was awarded the Chairman’s Award in 2015 from Richmond Region Tourism for her work on Fire, Flour & Fork. In 2017, she co-authored Richmond’s Culinary History: Seeds of Change with Maureen for The History Press. Susan is currently the full-time executive director of Habitat for Humanity- Powhatan. Email Susan
Bryce Carson
Bryce is an event planner with Roberts & Co. Events with a passion for all things culinary. When not planning weddings and social events, Bryce has been hard at work planning memorable foodie events for Fire, Flour, & Fork since its second year! Some of his favorite events have been the inaugural Drag Brunch, Smoke on the Water, and Cornacopia. Bryce currently serves as the chair for Massey on the River for the fourth year in row and is an active member of the Massey Alliance.
Maureen Egan
co-founder ▸
Maureen co-founded Real Richmond Food Tours and FFF with Susan. She's a writer who co-authored Richmond’s Culinary History: Seeds of Change with Susan for The History Press in 2017. A former RHome columnist who wrote Insiders’ Guide to Richmond, VA for Globe Pequot Press in 2010, Maureen is now working on writing projects for children and adults. Maureen created numerous tours throughout Richmond’s historic neighborhoods that showcase their culinary and cultural offerings to thousands of visitors and residents alike. She crafted custom tours for Capital One, CarMax, Performance Food Group, Glaxo Smith Kline, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, Southern Foodways Alliance and many others. She was a long-time board member and president of Friends of James River Park. Maureen was awarded the Chairman’s Award in 2015 from Richmond Region Tourism for her work on Fire, Flour & Fork and Real Richmond.
Stephanie Ganz
sponsorship + chef demos ▸
Stephanie Ganz is a classically trained chef who spent seven years in fine dining before hanging up her chef whites for a job in the nonprofit sector. She soon discovered that empowering people to develop their own food-based businesses was her true calling, and since then, she's helped dozens of entrepreneurs make their way into the marketplace with a company she co-founded, The Apple Cart. As the first hire for mobile wood-fired catering company Pizza Tonight, Stephanie gained invaluable experience about what it takes to operate a mobile food business — from recipe development to event planning. Stephanie wrote a weekly dining round-up for for several years and is a regular Richmond Magazine contributor. She is a Slow Food member and serves on the board of the Birdhouse Farmers Market. Email Stephanie